Little gem of a time capsule. Enjoy!
James Taylor & Carly Simon at home - 1977. Filmed at their home on Martha's Vineyard, Carly Simon and James Taylor are interviewed about their early careers. Also included, is their daughter, Sarah Maria (Sally) Taylor.
We didn't realise how AWESOME the 70’s really were.
What's your favorite decade, or if you could time travel to any point in earth-time in say, the last 500,000 years, where would you take that DeLorean?
Great Scott!!
Here's how to tell if you're a child of the early 70's when THIS ONE still had lots of AM radio play
(Amplitude modulation radios were an early form of distributed music, before 8 tracks, Cds, mp3 players, and finally your blue-tooth connected smart phone, soon to be replaced with your mRNA body circuitry. Get your shots kids!)
A painting team was working on my house and we got talking about world affairs. Both born in 2005. WTF can you be expected to know? That is literally yesterday for me, and they are talking about how chatGPT is changing the old "smartphone" world of my generation (lol -sometime this week we should find a payphone and let mom know we're OK..). All I could do was nod like a wise dinosaur.
Things you didn't know about James Taylor:
Taylor's father moved the family from New England to the South, when he was named dean of the University of North Carolina's medical school. During his time there, when Taylor was 7, his father was called up to U.S. Navy duty and led a two-year-long expedition to the South Pole, where he was left in charge of the distribution of liquor for his 100 fellow explorers. Taylor says his father returned home with a drinking problem which left the elder man emotionally and behaviorally unpredictable.
As a 17 yr old, James developed a deep and persistent depression. Taylor later told the Chicago Tribune that he "spent [his] college education money staying at a psychiatric hospital." That facility was the McLean Psychiatric Hospital, and that's where Taylor took the time to start writing songs in earnest, often looking inward for material and thus using music for its therapeutic purposes.
In retrospect, Taylor believes that drugs took their toll on him, particularly socially and emotionally.
"One thing that addiction does is, it freezes you," Taylor told The Telegraph. "You don't develop, you don't learn the skills by trial and error of having experiences and learning from them and finding out what it is you want and how to go about getting it, by relating with other people. You short-circuit all of that stuff and just go for the button that says this feels good over and over again." In 1983, he began the journey to sobriety, utilizing 12-step programs as well as vigorous exercise. "Eventually, that sort of just scours the devil out of you," Taylor told Oprah's Master Class, "so that's the best practical advice I can give — sweat it out."
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