Yeah, it doesn't break down.
They said they didn't even test for it.
No regulator has addressed this.
It's still in your body, and EVERY ORGAN 18 months, 2 years, 3 years later. Maybe forever…. Killing you softly.
We should be screaming bloody murder!
Watch the entire 1.5 hr show to understand how badly you’ve been screwed by trusted regulatory authorities.
I'f they didn't test spike distribution, I'm guessing it's because DOD told them not to. DOD knew EVERYTHING. That's where hangings (after victim statements) should start IMHO. Maybe Sasha will weigh in..
I don't know when people will get it through their heads that this was a planned bioweapon attack. Full stop. They knew what it was going to do and those who are barking about "testing" to determine the " safety and effectiveness" are barking up the wrong tree. Those who knew all along that this is/was a bioweapon and deliberately unleashed it onto the world are who need to be hunted down and held accountable for deliberately sickening and murdering millions with malice and forethought (deliberate intent). The myriad studies scientists are now engaged in are retrospective, and IMO, they are spinning their wheels. They (whoever they are, and my guess is the CIA and DOD, plus some other nefarious globalistic entities) knew every detail beforehand, because they thoroughtly "studied" the bioweapons before they released them. I also believe that this was just the 1st wave of the plan to "cull the herd" of "useless eaters".