Oldest President in History.. now babbling and shuffling to 81….
Inconvenient Fact:
"I'm from the Government and I'm here to help" -most dangerous phrase in the English language (Reagan)
FTX crypto laundering machine:
Good habit:
All-Season Wrapping Paper
Best thing I've seen today. CS Lewis on living in tough times!
Support this dude! Call, email him or his office, or they won’t block it and life and travel will be hell for purebloods and intelligent people!
And this is exactly why all the unjabbed should be very concerned about possible necessity for transfusions. I wouldn't trust my own blood being banked there ( Red Cross), as there's no guarantee anyone would receive their own donated blood.
Curious if one could self store?
Thanks Jimychanga.
Great meme post!!
FYI, I really liked Igor, until he went loco and started saying viruses were REAL and totally carrying on...
Calling those of us who know better some rather unsavory names... Well, you can read my post, and his post and whatevah... But that said, I still like him, sorta. Hoping he had a brain fart and he's not controlled opposition!!!!!! arrrrgh.