In September 2021, UK Funeral Director/whistleblower John O'looney and a dozen top plandemic and vax experts met with this senior British official.
He listened intently to all their research, even when the private meeting went on for hours longer than scheduled.
His response was chilling.
According to John O’looney, he admitted openly that:
He acknowledged that he KNEW about the human “cull”, the deadly vaccines, the fearmongering, the midazolam and remdesivir murder drugs.
He confirmed that he had little control and decisions were being made FAR above his paygrade
He was aware that “seven out of every ten kids would be sterilized”
He confirmed the government expected “civil war” when people learned what had been done, and was fully prepared for it. In fact, they were surprised it hadn’t already happened by 2022
New interview with John:
(click link below)
Oh, make sure you don’t miss the 52 minute mark, and don’t ever tell me about “those killer Nazi doctors” again. What’s happening right now, is even WORSE. Listen to the entire interview, and please share. This isn’t anywhere’s NEAR over yet!
“I like this guy... John O'Looney! He is articulate, knowledgeable, wise, and full of integrity and common sense. I liked him before, when he first came on the scene. Now I really like him. He's got my vote. Good soul. Smart man.”
-recent listener
Incredible scoop. Congratulations. Same thing going on in usa but we have 80 million armed citizens.
And I always return to WHY? Malthusianism isn’t enough of an explanation.
Thus I’m left with a biblical interpretation -
They are Evil in a demonic sense. Totally lacking in empathy and morals. One look at Grammy’s, Miss whatever beauty contests, WEF, UN etc. They’re rubbing their Luciferianism in our faces. That New Age crap is part of it (see Jay Dyer).
Just as before, they have all our data in their Big Data supercomputers (IBM again) to assess our wealth, ethnicity, and allocation of our Unique Identifiers. This time not tattooed but embedded under our skin.
Last time, of my entire extended family only one survived with his Digital ID forever on his arm.
They’re aiming for the same numbers.
To kill without remorse is beyond evil. It is the satanic. From Revelations.
FYI throughout this, I’ve found my Christian faith to have become ever more serious. It’s as if we here on Substack are all Jeremiah’s now.