Anyone remember this Geography Poem from (pre internet) childhood days?
I'm trying to help a 3rd grader get extra credit
Here's the best I can piece it together from memory. Anyone have a different or better version? (Bonus points for working more countries into the mnemonic!)
Long legged Italy,
Kicked poor Sicily,
Right into the Middle,
Of the Mediterranean Sea,
Up jumped Austria
Said she was Hungary,
Wanted some Turkey,
Dipped in Greece,
Fried it in Japan,
And ate it off China.
Here are some funny goats to help you access those ancient memories, if nothing else works 😀
Mine went:
Big boot Italy
Kicked Little Sicily
Into the Mediterranean Sea,
Up jumped Hungary
Ate a bit of Turkey,
Slipped on Greece
And broke a bit of China.
Slightly less countries, but quite poetically pleasing. ( from Southern UK)
I remember that poem! Something like:
Long legged Italy,
Kicked poor little Sicily
Into the Mediterranean Sea.
Austria was Hungary,
Took a bit of Turkey
And dipped it in Greece.
Fried it in Japan
and ate it on China.