Congress Critters all took Ivermectic
While Gaslighting You and Your Family to Death. NEVER FORGET.
Here's a wake up call, or a daily reminder, depending where you are in your metamorphosis:
Dr Pierre Kory testified back in mid-2021 that “Between 100-200 United States Congress Members (plus many of their staffers & family members) with COVID.. were treated by colleagues over the past 15 months with ivermectin & the I-MASK+ protocol at "
None have gone to hospital. Just sayin'
If Fauci or anybody had admitted that hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin are effective against COVID, it would have been ILLEGAL FOR THEM to give the emergency use authorization to the vaccines, and they could have never gotten them approved, and their big pharma donor gravy train (and the DOD’s nefarious “full spectrum dominance” plans -see Sasha Latipova’s research) would have dried up.

So, these flacid, compromised excuses for human beings were quite content availing themselves of known effective therapeutics while denying them to those they supposedly serve and protect -people like you, your elderly family members, and your kids.
Fuck that.
Others have corroborated this:
Dr. Simone has also shared that 200+ members of Congress asked her for ivermectin. What hypocrisy from our “leaders.”
Today, Dr. Peter McCullough added this perspective. Nothing has changed.
US Senators Become a Front for the Biopharmaceutical Complex
by Dr. Peter McCullough | Apr 3,
Let them know how you feel at election time, both parties.
Let them know they tried scrambling the wrong egg (and that was BEFORE rolling out the clot shots) or you could just sit there and continue to take it. After all, you've been called a “hackable human” and a “useless eater” by leaders before…
We could sure use George Carlin back right about now.
Banned Movie: "The Forecaster"
Here's your missing puzzle piece. Distribution was banned throughout the US by Wall Street interests.
If a gag order is issued against Trump, that would mean a presidential candidate wouldn’t be allowed to defend himself from the media’s slander. That’s INSANITY.”