Never doubt that people can remain bamboozled for decades. The Abuse of Science as a Weaponized tool of perceptual and behavioral control didn’t start with Fauci and the Scamdemic. It was a key aspect of the 9/11 Narrative too.
Listen to architech Richard Gauge (head of 4000 member Architechs and Engineers for 911 Truth) in a new update on the proof of how the Twin Towers and the Solomon Building were destroyed by painstakingly planned, controlled demolition.
Richard Gauge is seeing massive new interest in his message as he connects the dots between the current GreatReset/ Plandemic operation and 9/11, its goals, methods and “most wanteds”.
The new data he has on the third skyscraper demolished that day is mindbending.
There was even a countdown to the explosion (now corroborated)
By the way, this stuff isn’t made in some cave in Afghanistan. It’s made only in the top Department of Defense Labs with sophisticated nano-particles.
There was no credible “9/11 Investigation” despite the massive anniversary edition of the “findings” they published at taxpayer expense for years. The PR point man of this “investigation” had just completed his PhD thesis on “The Creation and Propagation of Public Myth”!
In fact, almost ALL of the 9/11 commission members either resigned or have admitted it was all designed to pull the wool over Americans eyes in the ensuing years.
I highly recommend you set a time to watch Richard Guage knit it all together with new footage you’ve likely never been show before!
Incidentally, recognize any of these “public myth” building techniques?
Stay tuned for some good news too! This is headed all the way to the Supreme Court and has made huge progress lately. Make sure to Google and join the AE update list here
Click link below to view:
Yep, Tim Osman (OBL) was always on CIA/DOD payroll. Chertoff, who made a veritable shitload off the nude airport scanners he mandated, is now the head of the internet org which will determine which of our posts to censor, and how much CBDC to fine us, travel restrictions etc. Chertoffs scanners we're greenlighted after the Detroit Underwear bomber on Christmas Eve. A setup so diabolical that a lawyer couple I know, (both trained observers, both sucessful criminal trial lawyers) who were sitting directly across from the patsy tried for a year to get the FBI to fess up, before fleeing the US in deep disgust. Research Kurt and Lori Haskell if you still can. There were hours of interviews that will destroy whatever faith you ever had in "the war on Terra".
Bet You Don't Know THIS!
"The first episode aired on March 4, 2001. Its title was Pilot. In the show, a computer hacker takes control of a Boeing 727 passenger plane and flies it towards the World Trade Center, with the specific intention of crashing the plane into one of the Twin Towers. It’s only at the very last moment that the Lone Gunmen are able to hack the hacker and avert disaster and death for those aboard the plane and those inside the World Trade Center.
The plot is all the work of a powerful, rogue group buried deep within the world of officialdom. The secret plan, had it worked, was to put the blame for the World Trade Center attacks on one or more foreign dictators who are “begging to be smart-bombed.”